[Kde-bindings] Getting started with qyoto?

Dimitar Dobrev dpldobrev at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 12 11:51:36 UTC 2013


    When you click Configure, you are presented with several options. You'dbe best off with "native compilers", then CMake will find them on its own.
    This is the most up to date tutorial so if you still have problems please write here. I also appreciate your suggestion to be more specific.

    Dimitar Dobrev

 From: Peter Hultqvist <phq at silentorbit.com>
To: kde-bindings at kde.org 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: [Kde-bindings] Getting started with qyoto?
I'm using Ubuntu and thus assume I have to install from source.

Following http://zetcode.com/gui/csharpqyoto/introduction/ I hit several
obstacles starting with the cmake-qt-gui command being called cmake-gui,
and further following the tutorial I can't find what compiler to choose
when pressing the Configure button, or how to get back that dialog after
I clicked finish once(clicking configure again, appear to generate
rather than showing the dialog again).

I also noted that smokegen(from git) itself has a README that refer to a
qt directory(no idea where that is) and further refer to ./qtguess.pl
and ./generate.pl both which does not exist in any of the git repos I
cloned according to the original link.

Am I on the right path, with normal obstacles, should I be more specific
about my issues or is there another more up to date tutorial way to go
about this?

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