[Kde-bindings] Getting started with qyoto?

Peter Hultqvist phq at silentorbit.com
Tue Feb 12 10:07:39 UTC 2013

I'm using Ubuntu and thus assume I have to install from source.

Following http://zetcode.com/gui/csharpqyoto/introduction/ I hit several
obstacles starting with the cmake-qt-gui command being called cmake-gui,
and further following the tutorial I can't find what compiler to choose
when pressing the Configure button, or how to get back that dialog after
I clicked finish once(clicking configure again, appear to generate
rather than showing the dialog again).

I also noted that smokegen(from git) itself has a README that refer to a
qt directory(no idea where that is) and further refer to ./qtguess.pl
and ./generate.pl both which does not exist in any of the git repos I
cloned according to the original link.

Am I on the right path, with normal obstacles, should I be more specific
about my issues or is there another more up to date tutorial way to go
about this?

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