[Kde-bindings] Qyoto help

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Wed Sep 8 17:22:24 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 08 September 2010 14:21:03 Timóteo Ramos wrote:
> Since 1 month before I read a topic from Mono Brasil talking about KDE
> Bindings, something like help request for PHPQt and Qyoto.
> How can I help you? I'm interested to help Qyoto bindings. My first
> impressions with Qyoto are a little issue with uics, that threats the first
> line (<?xml version="1.0"...) as a common tag and throws an error like
> "invalid Qt Designer version", I was forced to remove this line from XML
> and the uics read my XML correctly. In general, this binding is very nice,
> I want to help.
Great! :) We really do need help for the bindings.
There are a few things to do:
1. Fix uics. It's probably best to start completely anew with the original uic 
since there have been quite some changes, code-wise. The task would be to make 
uic output C# code, instead of C++ code.

2. Finishing touches to assemblygen and merging with kdebindings trunk.
Assemblygen is a tool that I've started on gitorious [0] which generates a 
Qyoto-based .NET assembly from a SMOKE library. It's nearly finished and just 
needs more rules for the various libraries. It can then be merged into 
kdebindings trunk. This should probably be done after the move to git - it's 
easier then.

3. Merge the changes from assemblygen/Qyoto into qyoto trunk. I've done some 
changes to the Qyoto version that assemblygen builds upon. They make 
marshalling of primitive types much easier. These changes need to be merged 
before or together with assemblygen itself.

Task 1 is probably easiest, the other two require some insight into how Qyoto 
actually works. If you want to get started, fixing uics is probably a good 
first job. :)

[0] http://gitorious.org/assemblygen/assemblygen

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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