[Kde-bindings] Stability of Qyoto and QyotoDevelop?

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Tue Jan 19 20:01:22 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 19 January 2010 07:35:25 pm James Mansion wrote:
> Arno Rehn wrote:
> > Well, they can do that by hacking the code as well. If you install the
> > .ui files system-wide, they can't edit them without root privileges
> > anyway.
> Doesn't it make sense to install them as resources?
> I can't help feeling that the long period with the dormant qyoto web
> site is going to take
> a lot of effort to overcome.
Well the web site might have been dormant, but we've been working on Qyoto and 
Kimono all the time still.

I'm thinking on going to FOSDEM - there are lots of Mono talks this year and 
plenty of important developers there. I was hoping more of them would come to 
last year's Akademy, but there were only a couple. I think what we need is to 
have some Qyoto and Kimono downloads on the Mono site, rather than separate 
web sites that aren't very active. So maybe I can sort that out at FOSDEM.

-- Richard

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