[Kde-bindings] Stability of Qyoto and QyotoDevelop?

James Mansion james at mansionfamily.plus.com
Tue Jan 19 20:21:07 UTC 2010

Richard Dale wrote:
> Well the web site might have been dormant, but we've been working on Qyoto and 
> Kimono all the time still.
That wasn't obvious, and the initial licensing choice wasn't helpful.  
Its a shame.
> I'm thinking on going to FOSDEM - there are lots of Mono talks this year and 
> plenty of important developers there. I was hoping more of them would come to 
> last year's Akademy, but there were only a couple. I think what we need is to 
> have some Qyoto and Kimono downloads on the Mono site, rather than separate 
> web sites that aren't very active. So maybe I can sort that out at FOSDEM.
I'm sure that would be a big improvement on the current skunkworks 
stealth mode. If you could make a
unified MSI with qyoto and qt and put that somewhere and write something 
on CodeProject, I'd expect
the result to be quite a lot of interest, too.

The problem with this stuff seems to be that publicity matters.  Anyone 
heard anything from the Java/Qt
people recently?  No, me neither. If you dig you can find commits but 
the PR is atrocious. Which is a real
shame given that Nokia seem to be doing great stuff with Qt itself and 
their blogs are active. Its just
encouraging, somehow.


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