[Kde-bindings] Stability of Qyoto and QyotoDevelop?

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Sat Jan 16 21:58:48 UTC 2010

On Saturday 16 January 2010 20:32:13 IBBoard wrote:
> Eric's Synapse app and the associated QyotoDevelop were the reasons why
> I looked at Qyoto again. After hunting for Twitter clients I found Qwit
> as the best, and being based on Qt4 it still looked great in Gnome. That
> made me think about using Qt for my UI again. After a bit of hunting I
> found Synapse and QyotoDevelop, but found that QyotoDevelop was flakey
> (sometimes loaded, sometimes didn't) and that the recompiling .ui files
> generated incorrect code when it did run (something about not being able
> to put some kind of control inside another), so I gave up and assumed
> QyotoDevelop was old and unsupported.
It could also be that 'uics' (the user interface compiler for c#)  is too old 
(the last update was nearly one year ago... I don't use it regularly and we're 
lacking manpower and users to keep it up-to-date :( ). If you encounter 
anything strange when using it, please report bugs!

> In terms of Qt version support, I'm not sure what I need that may or may
> not be in different versions. As long as it is Qt 4.5 or later and
> supports the GTK theming then I suspect I'll be happy with the core
> widgets :)
Well, Qt 4.5 already has _much_ features. The only missing classes that might 
be important for developers are the ones from the new animation framework. I 
don't know how familiar you are with Qt, but the animation framework is one of 
the ultra cool things of Qt 4.6 ;)

> Dynamic loading seems potentially useful, although it would mean people
> could seriously mess up their app if they wanted. Pre-compiling is more
> what I'm used to. I think that half of QyotoDevelop was linking .ui
> files to the editor, half was the auto-recompile, and half was the
> default "Qyoto project" config that put the required dependencies in.
> I'm already used to having RapidSVN separate from my Visual Studio in a
> VM, so separate and disconnected apps are usable, just something I'd
> rather avoid if possible.
Well, they can do that by hacking the code as well. If you install the .ui 
files system-wide, they can't edit them without root privileges anyway.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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