[Kde-bindings] Stability of Qyoto and QyotoDevelop?

IBBoard ibboard at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 19:53:44 UTC 2010

On 16/01/10 21:58, Arno Rehn wrote:
> It could also be that 'uics' (the user interface compiler for c#)  is too old 
> (the last update was nearly one year ago... I don't use it regularly and we're 
> lacking manpower and users to keep it up-to-date :( ). If you encounter 
> anything strange when using it, please report bugs!

It could have been the "uics", although QyotoDevelop seems to have its
own code generation from a quick look at the project. I'll need to
investigate more to see whether uics is used at all by QyotoDevelop, how
it works, and whether it was QyotoDevelop or uics giving me bad code.

If Qyoto turns out to be nicer to work with than GTK# (and given how
ugly the GTK# API is for someone who has spent the last 8 years doing
mainly OO coding, I don't see how Qyoto could be worse!) then I'll help
where I can as a user, but I suspect there's a lot of C++ code behind it
all and so I probably won't be able to help as a developer. I blame
University for starting me on Java then C# while I did web stuff in Perl
and PHP - C++ just doesn't appeal when you've got later gen languages to
start with :)

> Well, Qt 4.5 already has _much_ features. The only missing classes that might 
> be important for developers are the ones from the new animation framework. I 
> don't know how familiar you are with Qt, but the animation framework is one of 
> the ultra cool things of Qt 4.6 ;)

Sounds cool, but a bit flashy and pointless for most apps ;) I know SWT
has a nice "widget gallery", so I'll hunt around for a Qt one and see if
I can find examples of what I get to play with.

>> Dynamic loading seems potentially useful, although it would mean people
>> could seriously mess up their app if they wanted.
> Well, they can do that by hacking the code as well. If you install the .ui 
> files system-wide, they can't edit them without root privileges anyway.

True, but if you give people XML files rather than compiled binary files
then they're a bit more likely to try to do something with it. It'll
eventually be installed as a system-wide app, but for now I'm still in
v0.1 betas, so it is just a "download, extract and run" Mono app.



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