[Kde-bindings] is sip pyqt and pykde include in latest version of kdebinding?

Simon Edwards simon at simonzone.com
Fri Oct 22 16:55:46 UTC 2004


On Thursday 21 October 2004 19:02, Arkar Kyaw Win wrote:
> Hi I would like to confirm whether this is true or not ?I read it in 
> kde.org that in new kde 3.3.1 they include sip pyqt and pykde in 
> kdebinding .I just upgrade to kde 3.3.1 including kdebining .I left none 
> of the old kde file in my computer but I still couldn't use program that 
> include sip or pyqt or pykde like superkaramba slickbar theme.So I try 
> to insall all those manually but I couldn't compile any more.When I ask 
> around they said that it is because of kde 3.3.1 kdebinding.So I would 
> like to know that it is true they got sip ,pyqt and pykde in kdebinding 
> and if it true how can we use the sip ,pyqt and pykde ?

Yes, Sip, PyQt and PyKDE are distributed as part of kdebindings.

As for superkaramba, I can't say what is going on there. If I were you I would 
ask whoever makes the distribution that you are using, about the status of 
PyQt+PyKDE in thier kdebindings package.


Simon Edwards             | Guarddog Firewall
simon at simonzone.com       | http://www.simonzone.com/software/
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."

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