Provision of enabling tests for frameworks

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Wed Jan 11 00:00:02 GMT 2023

On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 7:28 PM Sharaf Zaman <shzam at> wrote:
> Hi!
> Today I encountered a bug with KConfig [1], which surfaced because of the quirks
> of QSaveFile and Android. Even though these bugs are trivial [2], but having
> them in code is bad (especially since, saving files, configs can be serious if
> not done properly).
> So, I’d like to ask, is there somebody who is working on getting unit tests etc
> to work on Android for kde-frameworks? If not, do you think it would be a good
> idea to think about it right now? Given more and more KDE apps are getting on
> mobile platform.
> [1]: <>
> [2]: And I wouldn’t have bothered had this happened for the first time, but I
> had to deal quite a lot of these over the years with Krita. Having some sort of
> testing for frameworks, could also help applications, hence I’m here :)
> Kind Regards,
> Sharaf Zaman
> <>

Hi Sharaf,
Yes, I agree this is something that should be done. No, I'm not aware
of anyone working on it.

Running processes on Android isn't trivial as apks are not normal
executables. I do know Qt is doing some testing for Android, it would
be interesting to know how they do it. Or anyone, really.

This is something we could do under Season of KDE or even GSoC if
anyone is interested.


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