[Kde-accessibility] jovie accessibility

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Thu May 12 20:15:04 UTC 2016

Right now, I use talkingarchlinux http://talkingarch.tk/ since it is 
stable for me and is a command line distribution of archlinux.  However it 
is possible if one knows how to post-install a graphical user interface 
environment on talkingarchlinux.  The orca dependency stack is also 
available.  For that reason, I'll make another talkingarchlinux 
installation on another hard drive and do a little experimentation with 
installing orca and kde onto that hard drive then find out what can and 
cannot work for me in terms of kaccessible and jovie accessibility once I 
get orca up and talking.  I have multiple hard drives available to me for 
such a purpose and use drive sleds to put them in the computer and replace 
them in the computer too.  A while back I had requested a tutorial be 
produced that would explain how to do this and it never got done which is 
why I'm using a separate hard drive in the event things get messsed p 
they'll only mess up a secondary system and not my primary system.  More 


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