[Kde-accessibility] Interested in extending Simon to use with IDEs

Patti Ordóñez Rozo pattiordonez at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 20:19:52 UTC 2013

Hi Peter,

I am considering a multi-modal approach.  I would like to get the
prediction of Dasher incorporated with the autocompletion of Eclipse.  I
have a student who is severely physically disabled whose dream is to create
such a product.  I have another student who is a fantastic programmer who
is interested in helping with this project. This is a project I want to do
with my students and so I have several manmonths to work on this.  I have
limited experience with speak recognition.  I worked with the code of one
of the lead programmers of Siri in graduate school  who created a smart
meeting room for his dissertation.


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Peter Grasch <me at bedahr.org> wrote:

> On 06/04/2013 10:15 PM, Patti Ordóñez Rozo wrote:
> > I am very interested in extending Simon to include programming
> > languages to enable individuals with physical disabilities to
> > efficiently use IDEs such as Eclipse. Is this possible? If so, any
> > pointers for where I should begin looking?
> Yes, this is theoretically possible.
> Programming with speech recognition has been done before - with very
> convincing results:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SkdfdXWYaI
> How you could get started mostly depends on what exactly you want to
> achive: Do you just want to control the IDE or do you want to actually
> code?
> The first one is obviously easy, the latter on a bit more tricky but
> mostly doable.
> How much time do you have to spent on this (manmonths)? Do you have
> experience with speech recognition? What is your target programming
> language (the one in which the user should code - I'm guessing Java
> since you mentioned eclipse)?
> I saw you posting something similar about Dasher to gnome-a11y. Are
> you simply trying to compare different open source a11y solutions or
> are you considering a multi-modal approach?
> Best regards,
> Peter
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Patricia Ordóñez Rozo, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras
(787) 764-0000 ext. 5264
web page -http://ccom.uprrp.edu/~pordonez
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