[Kde-accessibility] Re: qt accessibility

Ian Ruffell ian at ruffell.info
Mon Feb 7 03:17:31 CET 2011

On Wednesday 02 Feb 2011 22:19:02 Jeremy Whiting wrote:
> Kenny,  Others,
> There is already some code started that aims to do just this.  It's
> qt-at-spi and can be found here: http://gitorious.org/qt-at-spi/qt-at-spi
> In order to use it you'll need to grab trunk at-spi2-core, pyatspi2,
> accerciser and orca from git.gnome.org.  Then build qt-at-spi and run
> test/test with accerciser.  Frederik gladhorn and I have been able to get
> simple things working (not enough to work with orca yet) and we can be
> found on either #a11y on irc.gimp.net or #kde-accessibility on freenode if
> you need/want help getting started.

Just to follow up on this, I've been lurking for a while in these parts, but 
can I ask what exactly *is* the status of KDE accessibility? Aside from the 
instructions on building qt-at-spi (which are very clear and helpful; but 
where next?), the various websites seem somewhat out of date or unclear as to 
where matters stand currently.

Am I right in thinking that (at least with regard to visual impairment) the 
main plan is to enable KDE apps to interact with orca through qt-at-spi, but 
that at the moment no KDE apps are enabled thus? Is there a workplan, as such, 
for this or KDE Accessibility in general?  

No criticism intended - just interested in things moving forwards (and should 
be able to help out, although not in a big way for a couple of months).



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