[Kde-accessibility] ktts and german locale

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at comcast.net
Tue May 31 19:43:47 CEST 2005

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 09:45 am, Juergen Zdero wrote:
> Hi,
> i successfully installed festival, ims-germanfestival and mbrola on my SuSE
> 9.2 system. Ktts runs very nice with all available languages and voices as
> far i do not change the regional/language setting to german.
> I tried iso-8859-1 and utf8, no soundoutput.
> When i change the locale back to us-english, immediately i hear the german
> de3 voice talking the last messages from the applications still running. I
> need a hint where to start fixing the problem. Thanks.

Sorry you're having trouble.  I need more info from you before I can help 

1.  Which version of festival did you install?  1.4.3 or 1.95 beta?

2.  Which version of KTTS did you install?  From SuSE RPMs?

3.  By "change the regional/language setting to german", I'm guessing you mean 
setting your locale in the KDE Control Center?  Are the Linux german locales 
installed?  "locale -a" command should show something like:


4.  Does festival work by itself after changing locale?  In Konsole, do 
something like:

$ bin/festival
German Festival 1.2-os (1.4.1):release August 2000
Festival Speech Synthesis System 1.95:beta July 2004
Copyright (C) University of Edinburgh, 1996-2004. All rights reserved.
For details type `(festival_warranty)'
festival> (voice_german_de3_os)
festival> (SayText "Guten Tag")
#<Utterance 0x40595198>
festival> (quit)

5.  Did you try rebooting after changing locale?

6.  You didn't say which apps were attempting to speak German.  Konqueror?  
Kate?  KttsMgr Speak Clipboard?  notifications?  The following is a simple 
test command

dcop kttsd KSpeech sayText "Vielen Dank" 0

7.  Try running kttsd and kttsmgr in separate Konsole sessions.  In other 
words, start Konsole and open two sessions.  In one session type

killall kttsd
killall kttsmgr

and in the other type

dcop kttsd KSpeech sayText "Vielen Dank" 0

Now, do you get any useful debug messages in either session?  

I'm not really set up to test the scenario you describe (assuming I've guessed 
correctly).  Can anyone else with German locale confirm this problem?

If you use IRC, go to irc.kde.org channel #kde-accessibility.

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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