[Kde-accessibility] Re: [Kwin] Size of window borders

Gunnar Schmi Dt gunnar at schmi-dt.de
Tue Sep 16 14:31:43 CEST 2003

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On Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:14, Luciano Montanaro wrote:
> On Monday 15 September 2003 12:46, Gunnar Schmi Dt wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > By looking on lists.kde.org I found that on the kwin at mail.kde.org mailing
> > list there was a thread in which was discussed whether there should be a
> > slider selecting the exact pixel-width of a window border or if it is
> > sufficient to have fixed settings (e.g., "normal"=6, "large"=12, "very
> > large"=24, "huge"=48). If I read correctly it was decided to use the
> > fixed settings.
> > [...]
> > Is it possible to add some more choices, e.g.: 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 24,
> > 30, 38, 48? That way you can get nearer to your needs.
> [...]
> I don't find having a choice between ten values to be better than having
> the ability to choose the 'exact' width, it's just the same.
> For me, it's either give the user a _small_ set of sizes(3-4), or give her
>  the ability to choose whatever she likes. Anything in-between makes no
>  sense.
> On the other hand, the "fixed setting" is not meant to be fixed at all,
> it is just a hint to the decoration that "normal" or "big" or "huge"
> borders are requested. If a decoration "normal" border is 3 pixels, a
> "huge" border could be, let's say 24 pixels, but it is up to the decoration
> writer to choose the exact size.
Well, if we want to have only five sizes (tiny, normal, large, very large and 
huge) we will in any case have a problem:

I expect that most decorations will use something like 3, 4, 8, 12, 16 as the 
sizes and only a few decorations will try to work towards accessibility and 
use sizes like 4, 8, 16, 32. This situation has two shortcomings:

1. The wide borders have relatively large gaps in between the sizes. But there 
is no standard size that is acceptable for all handicapped users. Some of 
them will need 15 pixels, others 25 pixels, some might even need 30 or 40 
pixels. In this sense we would then need at least one decoration with sizes 
like 15, 20, 25, 32, 40. (Well, about the 40 pixel size we could argue as 
people that need that large sizes are better off with a possibility to use 
the keyboard for modifying the window sizes).

2. I expect bug reports from users that do not know anything about 
accessibility. These "bug reports" will ask that the accessibility 
decorations will use the "standard sizes" (meaning the 3, 4, 8, 12, 16 

If it isn't clear from this (and my earlier mail): As we have a setting for 
the border width an extra accessibility decoration doesn't make sense. 
Instead all decorations should allow to have extra large borders.

Gunnar Schmi Dt

Please don't forget to post to both the kwin and the kde-accessibility mailing 
lists. (If kde-accessibility is too long, you can also use kde-a11y).
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Co-maintainer of the KDE Accessibility Project
Maintainer of the kdeaccessibility package
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