putting ideas in words

Emmanuel Charruau echarruau at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 12:15:38 GMT 2020

Hi Guys,
I was commenting a pedagogical point on phabricator and thought I had
to put my reflexion in words if it can be useful for future

Why are we letting children the freedom to choose their level even if
they did not succeed.

We think that pupils must actively participate when learning.
Choosing a level within an activity is a first step to involve
themself in the learning process.
Doing so they project themself in the learning process. If they choose
a level that is too difficult they will soon realise it and we give
them the possibility to choose an easier level. This choice is
beneficial for their learning process as they will understand why it
is too difficult. This comprehension will help them to build the
knowledges they need to reach their goals.


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