Kiosk mode

Jacques Bon jacques.bon at
Tue Sep 4 17:21:18 BST 2018

Thanks for your help Johnny.

Two remarks :

- the need to set up favorite activities in kiosk mode every time you launch GC is a bit annoying in a school context ; and you can't use the normal mode, because you can't let the children play with the setup tool ;
- I had problems at school today, because the kids found the way, without a keyboard connected, to launch the section bar just by taking the mouse pointer to the top of the screen. BTW I could'nt reproduce this behaviour on my home PCs, both laptop and desktop. Kids are devil.

The best way IMO for the kiosk mode to behave, would be to keep the last user setup and prefs, which would permit everything you want: launch GC, setup your favorites (or not, if you want to keep the actual behaviour), quit and restart in kiosk mode to use it as you want - but without the section bar and the setup and quit icons.

The ability to display or not the help, the about, and the quit icons would be fine too. With young children, the less is the best.

I think it shoud be not too difficult to code (but I'm just a user, not developper).

Best regards,

On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 21:34:19 +0200
JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at> wrote:

> On 9/3/18 9:00 PM, Jacques Bon wrote
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've just discovered the new QT version of GCompris, congratulations and thanks to all the team.
> >
> > I've tried the kiosk mode, very useful and highly desirable for me as a young kids (3-5 yo) teacher.
> >
> > Unfortunately I couldn't manage to define and save a desktop in kiosk mode, i.e. just with 2-3 activities at the beginning of the year.
> >
> > In non-kiosk mode, kids are able to go to settings, active the activities bar, launch activities too difficult for them, precisely what I don't want.
> >
> > I wish to be able to set up a desktop, then hide the activities bar, then enable the kiosk mode and find back my desktop.
> >
> > Is it possible ?
> >
> > Thanks for your help, best regards
> Hi Jacques,
> if you consider children will never use shortcuts, you can use Ctrl+S to 
> show/hide the sections (activities bar).
> Same for the bar with Ctrl+B (but it won't hide the small button to show 
> it again).
> Then, to switch the kiosk mode, you can manually edit 
> ~/.config/gcompris/gcompris-qt.conf, look for kiosk=false/true and put 
> the value you want.
> For now, setting the kiosk mode inhibits the favorites at start so they 
> are not visible anymore when you run again the application.
> If you plan to run once the application and don't stop GCompris, set the 
> activities you want as favorites, go back to the first tab and hide the 
> sections, it should be fine.
> Johnny
> ps: I just saw you find the solution, but in case there are more info 
> here, I still send it.

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