[GSOC] Porting to Qt

Alexis Breton alexis95150 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 17:49:31 UTC 2018


I thought I was already registered but I actually did not see the 
confirmation link which was hidden in my spams, sorry. I should be 
registered now.

I give you a link of my proposal below. I hope you will have the time to 
take a look and do some comment, it would be very helpful and I would be 
The link : 

Thank you

Alexis Breton

Le 11/03/2018 à 16:54, Johnny Jazeix a écrit :
> Hi,
> can you please subscribe to the list (else I have to approve all of 
> the messages and it may take some time if I'm not around my computer)?
> 2018-03-11 16:18 GMT+01:00 Alexis B <alexis95150 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:alexis95150 at gmail.com>>:
>     Thank you Johnny for your prompt reply and excuse me for my late
>     response. I finally
>     used Phabricator to send a little revision, I hope I did it correctly.
> Yes, it seems good, I'll take a look later.
>     Concerning the Gsoc, because I don't have enough experience in
>     testing and I'm realizing
>     that it's probably out of my knowledge, I prefer to concentrate on
>     porting an
>     activity. Thus, I'm working on a proposal for the Animation
>     Activity but someone
>     already made one, so tell me if the competition embarrasses, I
>     could propose a new
>     activity from this ideas list :
>     http://gcompris.net/wiki/Ideas_for_activities
>     <http://gcompris.net/wiki/Ideas_for_activities> .
> Unfortunately, there is a competition because we have proposed a small 
> list of topics and we can't also accept all the students so there can 
> be conflicting proposals with same ideas and you can keep this one if 
> it's the one you want to work on.
>     Secondly, regarding the .wav sounds in GCompris on Linux, it looks
>     like they
>     have been disabled in GCAudio.qml because of an old bug with
>     Gstreamer :
>     function play(file) {
>             if(!fileId.exists(file) || muted)
>                 return false
>             // @FIXME There is a bug in gstreamer that makes wav files
>     to freeze us on Linux.
>             // For now we don't play wav files at all
>             // https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-49689
>     <https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-49689>
>             if(/.wav$/.test(file) && ApplicationInfo.platform ==
>     ApplicationInfo.Linux)
>                 return false
>     Is there a workaround ? Commenting the if makes the sounds work
>     correctly but indeed make
>     Gstreamer errors like in the 4 in a row activiy.
> The issues were freezes of the application on linux. I would need to 
> check the current distributions status on GStreamer and if they all 
> have an enough recent version, we can drop this patch.
>     Maybe we could change all the .wav sounds
>     to another format ?
> wav is the only format that works natively on all platforms and for 
> these sounds we prefered wav to have a better quality.
> Johnny
>     Thank you
>     Alexis Breton
>     On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 10:21 PM, Johnny Jazeix <jazeix at gmail.com
>     <mailto:jazeix at gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         welcome.
>         Regarding the tests part, there are 2 interesting parts: unit
>         tests and automatic tests.
>         Automatic tests would be also really nice to have to spot the
>         different regressions and avoid testing manually all the
>         potential activity changes when we do a change. I updated
>         https://phabricator.kde.org/T7668#130207
>         <https://phabricator.kde.org/T7668#130207> with a few research
>         we did to look for tools.
>         For unit tests, the important part is to be able to test the
>         qml/js activities. Himanshu is mostly testing the c++ part so
>         feel free to dig the qml/js testing part if it interests you
>         and do a proposal on it (which is the most important part for
>         us to test).
>         We have a page http://gcompris.net/wiki/GSOC_newcomers
>         <http://gcompris.net/wiki/GSOC_newcomers> to help GSoC applicants.
>         Regarding your plan, 3 activities (without knowing which ones)
>         is probably too much. We have a selection of activities we
>         would prefer to have in
>         https://community.kde.org/GSoC/2018/Ideas#GCompris
>         <https://community.kde.org/GSoC/2018/Ideas#GCompris>.
>         Also on a global note (I added a note in the wiki as it was
>         not stated), we prefer that tasks for GSoC are not started by
>         GSoC applicants before the selection to avoid situations where
>         we don't know the beginning status and people "locking" tasks.
>         For the reviews, the official way is phabricator. If it is the
>         simple exercice, you can do it by github too (but for sure,
>         not in the mailing list).
>         Johnny
>         2018-03-05 20:28 GMT+01:00 Alexis B <alexis95150 at gmail.com
>         <mailto:alexis95150 at gmail.com>>:
>             Dear developers,
>             My name is Alexis Breton, I'm a french student in my
>             second year undergraduate in CS in the university of
>             Montpellier. I would like to contribute to GCompris and
>             take part to the GSOC18 but this is the first time I
>             participate to an open source project.
>             I was firstly interested by developing the unit test
>             framework but it looks like Himanshu Vishwakarma has
>             already started, so I would like to work on porting and
>             improve the old Gtk's activities.
>             I have a good level in C++ and beginner to Qt and QML.
>             I've already forked, built the Qt verison from Github and
>             dove into the code. I wanted to start contributing by
>             fixing some bugs or improve some activities. I have some
>             ideas and already did a little commit on my fork but I
>             don't really know how to get reviewed : should I first
>             post it on the mailing list, do a PR on Github or do it
>             through Phabricator ?
>             Regarding the GSOC project, I have some first ideas for my
>             timeline's proposal :
>             - Now : Take contact with the mentor, plan the number of
>             activities that will be ported and see which ones to do. (
>             I plan here for 3 activities but I don't really realize
>             the size of the work yet, so this has to be discussed )
>             - From mid-March to mid-April : Get familiar with the code
>             and Qt by reading some documentation, fixing some bugs and
>             add some improves to GCompris.
>             - From mid-April to 13th May : Study the activities and
>             their Gtk's code to understand how they work and what
>             improvements could be done.
>             - 14th May to 10th June : Port first activity in Qt
>             - 11th June to 17th June : Testing the first activity and
>             fix bugs
>             - 18th June to 8th July : Port second activity
>             - 2d July to 8th August : Test second activity
>             - 9th July to 29th July : Port third activity
>             - 30th July to 5th August : Test third activity
>             Of course this is only a first sketch and I'll look into
>             this in more details. I hope I could have a feedback and
>             take part to the project.
>             Thank you for your attention
>             Best regards,
>             Alexis Breton

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