Language/Locale questions

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at
Tue Mar 21 20:27:39 UTC 2017

On 03/21/17 12:29, Michael Bauer wrote:
> Hi Johnny,
>> From: JAZEIX Johnny<jazeix at>
>> To:gcompris-devel at
>> Subject: Re: Language/Locale questions
>> Message-ID:<e6ad0b98-cdce-ccd9-ffd6-a46980952266 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> Hi,
>> we have a way to merge the strings translated in the Gtk+ to the Qt po
>> file if that can help earning some time (so we have around 53%
>> translated for the latest stable release, in fact:
>> I can send you the file directly if
>> easier for you.
> That's ok, I've got all the strings in our TM anyway, it's fairly quick.
>> There are also other files to be translated (for example
>> could be completed) but it's less important than the main software
>> translation.
> Ok, noted
>> It would be nice that at least 80% of the software is translated. If you
>> haven't subscribed to the list (kde-i18n-doc or this one), I can send
>> you a mail everytime we plan a release so you can try to update the
>> translation with the latest strings if you have time.
> I'm subscribed to this one - though I haven't been reading it much I 
> must admit. Ok, 80% sounds resonable (I take it you mean 80% of strings?)
>> You can email me the po file, I can check with the Gaelic team and see
>> how to integrate it within the current kde repository.
> Great will do. No need to check, GunChleoc and I are the Gaelic team ;)))
>> I'm not sure to understand the last point, in the Gtk+ there was also a
>> harcoded list with implemented locales, but I'll add Gaelic to the
>> locale list.
> Right so if I clicked on the Gear icon in Gtk+, I got a whole lot of 
> options, including UI language. If I click on the KDE version, the 
> Gear icon brings up very few options and no option to change the UI 
> locale to another language. It did pick up on my OS locale and the 
> welcome message was in Gaelic but the UI wasn't (but I suspect that 
> was due to low % of completion at the moment). But if I wanted - for 
> example - GCompris in Spanish, I couldn't set that at the moment, 
> that's what I meant.
> Michael 


did you restart the software after updating to Spanish? It needs a 
restart to update the locale.


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