GSoC Proposal

Rudra Nil Basu rudra.nil.basu.1996 at
Sun Mar 19 12:14:09 UTC 2017


Thank you for the review,

For the submarine activity, should I keep the controls same as that in the
Gtk+ version (this one - )?
For the levels, I am planning to do it by explaining each of the components
one level at a time. For example, level 1 will just require the user to
use the engine and not any other components (by explaining the user the use
of the engine only and how to control it). In the 2nd level, the user
will be asked to control the depths of the submarine (by telling the user
how to do that via the instruction), and so on. In this way, I am planning
increase the difficulty curve, starting from the very basic, one at a time.
Will this be good enough for the activity?

I have updated the proposal and instead of using an expert mode, I will be
incorporating it as a sub-level of the family activity. Also, I have added
the time to learn to use box2d in the Community Bonding period

Proposal Link -

- *Rudra Nil Basu*

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 3:07 AM, JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at> wrote:

> On 03/17/17 22:22, Rudra Nil Basu wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My plans for this year's Google Summer of Code is to finish the following
> started activities:
> 1. *Pilot a Submarine*: The port from Gtk+ to Qt was started in the
> gsoc_submarine branch, but it is
> almost empty, so it needs to be started from scratch
> 2. *Family*: The core functionality of the activity is completed, I will
> be improving the layouts of the
> activity.
> 3. *Object Arrangement*: The activity to arrange numbers and alphabets in
> ascending or descending
> order is currently in review. This activity aims at creating a generic
> version of arranging objects in a
> specific order, thus completing all types of arrangement activities.
> Proposal Link:
> blob/master/GSoC-KDE/gsoc_2017_proposal.pdf
> I will be glad to receive feedbacks based on it and make the necessary
> changes
> Thank you,
> - *Rudra Nil Basu*
> Hi,
> for submarine, the Gtk+ version is too complicated like that. We need
> easier levels to start and good explanations/tuto to know how to make it
> work.
> for family, I like the new mode idea. It's not really expert mode, I think
> it would be better to have a subactivity of the current one instead.
> for timeline, for submarine, I think you need to add some time to learn
> how box2d works and can be used for the activity.
> Johnny
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