sok_multiplication_tables activity status

Emmanuel Charruau echarruau at
Wed Mar 15 21:04:18 UTC 2017

Hi Nitish,

I think we said at one time that we would like to rename this application
as it is a great generic application that can be used in many other cases
than multiplications.



2017-03-15 21:50 GMT+01:00 JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at>:

> Hi,
> Your diff is incomplete, it only contains the last commit not the whole
> activity so we can't really make comments on it.
> I'm doing some of them here:
> * it misses a default value for the configuration. If you remove it from
> the config file (~/.config/gcompris/gcompris-qt.conf) and start again
> GCompris, when you go on the configuration, the box will be empty.
> * Also, the save/load of the configuration does not work. As you can see
> in the log: save configuration for: "" instead of save configuration for:
> "multiplication_tables". It's because you didn't initialize the
> dialogActivityConfig in Component.onCompleted. You can check on other
> activities using configuration (traffic).
> * Is it useful to have 2 different buttons "Start" and "Finish" or can we
> only have one?
> * For the "school" mode, we can put as many questions as we want. It's not
> handled properly in the activity then (questions override the different
> buttons for example).
> * shouldn't we change the name of the modes? "School mode" and "Normal
> mode" are not really explicit.
> Johnny
> On 03/10/17 00:34, Emmanuel Charruau wrote:
> Hi Nitish,
> Just played it without looking at the code.
> Very nice to play, it looks like I imagined it.
> Two remarks at the moment.
> In school mode, the cards should be shuffled to avoid pupils to learn the
> positions of the answers. I saw them last year learning by heart the
> sequenced answers. I shuffled the questions and a few pupils where totally
> lost.
> When choosing the mode, the presentation (school mode select your mode)
> lost me. It could be more obvious.
> Next step for me will be to look at the code to see if we can proposer
> long sentences.
> Great job :)
> Thanks
> Emmanuel
> 2017-03-09 5:45 GMT+01:00 nitish chauhan <nitish.nc18 at>:
>> Hi,
>> the current status of the activity can be tracked here :-
>> *latest commit :-*
>> is.git/commit/?h=sok_nitishc_multiplicationtables&id=8bb92a
>> 326f3c805943377f2aa50b7bce0b69b9e1
>> *Code review phabricator :-*
>> Task done :-
>> 1.) Both normal & school mode completed
>> 2,) Minor bug fixes & code refracting.
>> please share your feedback & review.
>> regards,
>> Nitish
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