SoK Proposal

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Mon Oct 17 15:33:35 UTC 2016

2016-10-17 17:14 GMT+02:00 Ütkarsh Tiwari <iamutkarshtiwari at>:

> Hi,
>     Stumbled upon this code today on github -
> UWOneLaptop/Checkers . It's AI uses 'Alpha-beta' pruning algorithm for
> making the best move. It's written on pygame and I think that I can port
> it. What do you suggest?
There is no explicit license to the code. As the code is in python and not
js, it may be better to start from scratch?
There seem to be some in js:
It's up to you to decide which one will be easier to maintain.

>     I tried the already existing 'place_your_satellite' branch developed
> by JB Butet. It seems good to me. Shall I propose some other activity in my
> proposal as this activity already seems complete.
Well, it needs to be cleaned (at least for graphical interface): and
tested more.
I think it's more improving and integrating it than recoding it.


> Utkarsh Tiwari
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 8:44 PM, JAZEIX Johnny <jazeix at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> for checkers, have you looked if there are existing AI that would be
>> simplier to integrate that recoding it?
>> for place_your_satellite, there is already an existing branch, have you
>> checked if it can be continued from it? There was some algorithm already
>> developed in it.
>> For me you won't have time to do everything but you can keep it like this.
>> Johnny
>> On 10/15/16 00:49, Ütkarsh Tiwari wrote:
>> Hi,
>>      Here is my proposal for the Season of KDE'16 programme. Please
>> review it and share your suggestions.
>> Link -
>> io/blob/master/
>> Regards,
>> Ütkarsh Tiwari
> --
> Regards,
> Ütkarsh Tiwari
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