[GCompris-devel] Migration status cleanup

Jean-Baptiste BUTET ashashiwa at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 07:09:24 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I don't know if release "place your satellite" is a good choice... it's 90%
finished.... some cosmetics adjustments have to be done. That's all.

Oh !! I've forgot : RK4 algorithm is implemented in 3D in it. May be it
could be useful for other thing to have a physics motor.


2015-03-05 1:19 GMT+01:00 Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net>:

> Hi all,
> We currently have many potential contributors willing to participate in
> the next GSoC.
> I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to release the
> activities you reserved [1] but that you have not yet started and don't
> plan to work on before next September.
> This will give students more choices and maybe will give us a better
> view on the status.
> So far, I started working on the MacOSX port so I don't currently work
> on activities. I have no numbers but for sure the porting rate has
> slowed down, first when we started to stabilize and polishing in last
> September and everything is slower now that we have to maintain a
> published version.
> Bruno.
> [1] http://gcompris.net/wiki/Qt_Quick_Migration_status
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