GCompris release 0.70

JAZEIX Johnny jazeix at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 20:27:11 UTC 2016


just in time for Christmas, we are pleased to announcethe new GCompris 
version 0.70.

It is an important releasebecause we officially drop the Gtk+ version 
for Windows to use the Qt one.
Everyone who bought the full version for the last two years will get a 
new activation code in a few days.

Also, for people who likenumbers, we are beyond100000 downloads in the 
google play store.

This new version contains 8 new activities, half of them being created 
by last Google Summer of Code students:
* an activity where the child has to move elements to build a given 
model (crane by Stefan Toncu)
* an activity to draw the numbers (drawnumbers by Nitish Chauhan)
* an activity to draw the letters (drawletters by Nitish Chauhan)
* an activity to find on which words a given letter belongs 
(letter-in-word by Akshat Tandon)
* the nine men morris game against Tux (nine_men_morris by Pulkit Gupta)
* the nine men morris game with a friend (nine_men_morris_2_players by 
Pulkit Gupta)
* an activity to learn to split a given number of candies amongst 
children (share by Stefan Toncu)
* an activity to learn roman numbers (roman_numerals by Bruno Coudoin)

We always have new features and bug fixes:
* search feature by Rishabh Gupta
* windows build by Bruno Coudoin and Johnny Jazeix
* hint icon in the bar (used in photohunter) by Johnny Jazeix
* neon build by Jonathan Riddell
* we are now in openSUSE Tumbleweed repository thanks to the Bruno Friedmann
* archlinux (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gcompris-qt/) by Jose Riha
* KaOS 
by demm
* package on mageia cauldron by Timothee Giet
* word list for Slovakia by Jose Riha
* word list for Belarusian by Antos Vaclauski
* various updates on Romanian wordlists and voices (probably the most 
complete one) by Horia Pelle
* voices added for Portuguese Brazilian by Marcos D.
*new graphics for crane by Timothee Giet
* screenshots on gcompris.net updated to the Qt version

You can find this new version here:

  * android:http://gcompris.net/download/qt/android/GCompris-Android-release-signed-aligned-armeabi-v7a-dl-internal-0.70.apk

  * windows:

  * linux: http://gcompris.net/download/qt/linux/gcompris-qt-0.70-Linux.sh

  * source: http://gcompris.net/download/qt/src/gcompris-qt-0.70.tar.xz

On the translation side, we have 15 languages fully supported: 
Belarusian, British English, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Catalan 
(Valencian), Dutch, Estonian, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, 
Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian; and some partially: Breton (82%), 
Chinese Simplified (93%), Chinese Traditional (91%), Finnish (70%), 
Galician (93%), German (97%), Norwegian Nynorsk (98%), Russian (83%), 
Slovak (85%), Slovenian (88%), Turkish (77%)

If you want to help, please make some posts in your community about 

Timothée & Johnny

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