[GCompris-devel] Android expansion file

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Fri Mar 20 23:21:32 UTC 2015


Google makes a selection of application suitable for schools on Android.
They also provide them what they need to manage a large number of
Android devices in volume.

When I registered GCompris on the store in January I clicked on the
button to let Google evaluate GCompris suitability for schools.

Recently I have just been informed through the same form that  they
refused. It mentions that I will be informed by email of the reason but
after a week, I never got any email. All my attempts to get in touch failed.

Rereading again more carefully the documentation, I believe I understood
why they refused GCompris. It is mention explicitly that the application
must not download content from the Internet.

To this end I added a new task on our todo list wiki. The idea is quiet
simple, we have to create a single qrc with all the voices and associate
it to our application as an expansion file [1]. It will be downloaded by
Google or by us as a fallback. At run time we just register this qrc if
we find it and no more check on gcompris.net.


[1] http://developer.android.com/google/play/expansion-files.html

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