[GCompris-devel] gcompris [Sailfish OS]

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 09:40:13 UTC 2015


I agree with Bruno, it will be a lot of work to maintain a lot of
platform specific (and it's not the aim of GCompris).

We don't need to reproduce at identical the Dialog component. I mean,
we could only have a <insert color here> rectangle displaying in
middle with a TextField (or a Item that we fill depending on our
needs), Buttons at bottom and if needed a Progress bar.

The actual uses we have are very simple and I think we should not complicate it.


2015-01-15 1:36 GMT+01:00 Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net>:
> Le 14/01/2015 21:36, Alex Smirnoff a écrit :
> Hi.
> Dialog is just a simple window. This should be no problem to implement it.
> But respecting SailfishOS - in usual case it have only one window -
> Application window.
> Then it use Page concept. You just slide forward and back between several
> pages.
> That mean that in case of SailfishOS Dialog could  be implemented as Page.
> But even it implemented as window (In case of games this also quite usual),
> that better to slide to another page in any case if dialog content is little
> bit more complex as simple yes/no buttons. Because that make it more usable
> on target platform and less alien.
> So
> 1. I agree that custom dialogs should be implemented for gcompris.
> 2. Dialog could or should have native implementation specific to target
> platform. (Page sliding concept in case of Sailfish OS using native silica
> library).
> 3. The same thin could be said regarding controls, especially buttons.
> Hi,
> I don't agree that we have to be that concerned about native implementation.
> If you look at games this is natural to have dialogs and buttons that
> matches the game look and feel versus the platform one. Also the platform
> design may not be appropriate for children.
> My concern here is accessibility. Using native buttons ensure the
> accessibility tools of the platform will work in GCompris. On that side we
> made more efforts to allow keyboard navigation than we did in the Gtk+
> version.
> Bruno.
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