[gcompris-devel] GCompris-qt - reimplementation of configuration

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Tue May 6 20:37:27 UTC 2014

su. den 04. 05. 2014 klokka 23.42 (+0200) skreiv Bruno Coudoin:
> In the Gtk+ version we added a font selector. I think we can do the
> same 
> in the Qt version.
> BTW, I don't understand how CSS can help us in this task.

Seems like I was mistaken. I was looking at


and thought QtQuick had native CSS 3 support. But it looks like it’s
only supported on QtWebKit elements, not Text elements.
*If* it were supported on all elements, we could easily use CSS
declarations like

  font-feature-settings: "smcp" on
  -webkitfont-feature-settings: "smcp" on

to enable various font features (here: small caps support).

Andika supports many font features. Try the following in LibreOffice:

Type the word ‘game’. Select it, and change the font to Andika.
Now change it to ‘Andika:litr=0’, without the quotes. (Do this by typing
the name in the font selector). Observe how the ‘a’ and ‘g’ glyphs
change. Unfortunately, this does *not* work in Qt Quick.

Karl Ove Hufthammer
Jabber: karl at huftis.org

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