[gcompris-devel] GCompris-qt - reimplementation of configuration

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sun May 4 21:42:28 UTC 2014

Le 04/05/2014 19:28, Karl Ove Hufthammer a écrit :
> må. den 03. 03. 2014 klokka 08.18 (+0000) skreiv Fòram na Gàidhlig:
>> Iw se go with embedding fonts, we shoudl look ath the SIL fonts
>> http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?cat_id=FontDownloads
>> Andika would be perfect for Latin languages, and it can be configured
>> e.g. to generate British or continental number symbols.
> I agree that Andika would be a perfect font, for latin-based languages.
> It would be nice if the translators could specify
> both the font used and the font features (e.g., to choose between
> a double-storey or a single-storey ‘a’). This should be possible,
> at least in theory, using CSS Fonts level 3 properties:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/

In the Gtk+ version we added a font selector. I think we can do the same 
in the Qt version.

BTW, I don't understand how CSS can help us in this task.


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