[gcompris-devel] More music activity comments, based on git commit 672eb8eecd 12.09.2012
Peter Albrecht
pa-dev at gmx.de
Sat Sep 15 21:32:03 UTC 2012
On 14.09.2012 08:37, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Le vendredi 14 septembre 2012 à 01:30 -0400, Beth Hadley a écrit :
*** Explore Farm Animals
>>>> Guessing an animal sound correctly, will display a bonus.
>>>> But the bonus sound is only played ~200 milliseconds before
>>>> the next animal sound is played.
Now it works like a charm! Thanks!
>>>> For expample in level, having visited the last animal and
>>>> going back to the farm screen, the activity just switches to
>>>> level 2. Maybe there should be a bonus being displayed. Just
>>>> to help the user understand: "you have completed level one,
>>>> lets go to level two".
>>> There is one now.
You added a bonus at the end of level 2. How about adding a
bonus, when level 1 is finished, too?
>>>> ** Play Piano
>>> I reworked this one again even more. Now I removed the need to have an
>>> OK button. I mark the notes as passed or failed in real time.
Nice idea! This is more intuitive.
> ..., you always loose details when you scale up (well except in
> hollywood movies).
Lol! How true...
> The good approach here is to make the 1 ratio version
> of the staff that uses the whole GCompris's screen. Then in each
> activity you set a scale to 0.5 or something to make it smaller.
Playing around with my gold mining activity
(https://github.com/bdoin/GCompris/pull/4), I realized that
scaling down might also have drawbacks.
If you use fullscreen for GCompris and disable zoom (= not
scale up GCompris to monitor resolution), images scaled down
to e.g. 0.3 might look crumbly. Enabling "zoom" in the
GCompris options has some smoothing effekt on this.
But Bruno is right: Scaling down should in general produce
better pictures than scaling up. At least it has the
potential to.
If I remember correctly, there is a way to tell PyGooCanvas
which scaling algorithm to use. But I haven't tried this myself.
>>>> ** Play Rhythm
>>> I plan to rework it in the same spirit to remove the need for the ok
>>> button and provide a better feedback of your mistakes. Are you too slow
>>> or too fast, you need to know...
You a right! This would be very helpful.
>>>> ** Piano Composition
>> I fixed this a few weeks ago. "D", "E", and I think even "F" is
>> supported above treble clef high C. I just pulled Bruno's latest code
>> and the D plays fine. Try it again and see....
The wav-files have not been added to the Makefile.am. So
they did not get installed on my system.
I made a fix and requested a git pull:
Beth, maybe you should do a fresh install from source more
- rm -rf /usr/local/bin/gcompris
- rm -rf /usr/local/lib/gcompris/
- rm -rf /usr/local/share/gcompris/
- cd gcompris-git-repo/
- sh autogen.sh
- make
- make install
>>> ** Name that note
>>> When playing at level 2 (3, 5, 6 ... 12), clicking at the
>>> solutions in the middle plays that tone. So clicking
>>> different letters plays different tone. But if the question
>>> is for an "upper C" (the C at the upper end of the scale),
>>> every alternative note in the middle plays the same tone:
>>> the "upper C".
>>> This problem does not accur, if asked for a "C" or any other
>>> note.
>> Beth again, I don't understand the problem here.
> Sorry, nor do I. Peter, could you explain the steps to replicate the
> bug. I do know that I put in some code so that when the answer is low
> C, only that low C is an option. And when the answer is high C, only
> the high C is an option. I didn't feel it was important to test the
> children on the difference between high C and low C, just as long as
> they know it's a C.
Steps to reproduce:
1. start the activity
2. goto level 2
3. I'am asked to name a "G"
4. clicking on the note on the left, I hear a sound: lets
say "de"
5. clicking answer alternative "F" in the middle of the
screen, I hear a sound like "da"; clicking "C" in the
middle, I hear a sound like "do"; clicking "G" in the
middle, I hear a sound like "de", exactly the sound, I hear
when clicking the note "G" on the left side of the screen;
in short: different answers, different sounds
6. now I answer this question correctly with "G" and "OK"
7. repeat steps 3. to 6. until you are asked for an "upper C"
8. now I click on the note on the left side of the screen
and hear a sound like "di"
__expected behaviour__:
See step 5.: clicking the different answer alternative in
the middle of the screen, I hear different sounds. Like
"do", "de", "da" and "di" corresponding to the answer letter
I select.
__actual behaviour__:
Clicking the different answer alternatives, I only hear the
sound of the "upper C": "di"; always the same sound no
matter which answer alternative I click.
Not "da", "do" or "de", although clicking on the "F", "lower
C" or "G", but always "di", "di", "di".
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