[gcompris-devel] Gcompris Braille Activity

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Sat May 21 13:31:07 UTC 2011

Le jeudi 19 mai 2011 à 12:16 +0530, srishti sethi a écrit :
> Hola GCompris ,
> I would like to know while integrating an activity with Gcompris ,
> why 
> am I getting an error : Config.status : make file is already
> configured 
> with ac_config.Though my activity is running fine in
> the /experimental 
> section in xml by issuing : sh runit.sh activity-name.
> But as I remove this experimental keyword from xml file & assign a
> new 
> section to it like /braillle whose corresponding xml file I have added
> in 
> /boards & on applying these two commands : (trying to integrate it
> with 
> gcompris)
>             sudo make install
>             gcompris --reread-menu
> I get a make file error.Would anyone let me know how should I do it ?

I don't have enough information to help there. As a general rules, the
gnu autoconf chain may get in a fuzzy state for various reason. To get
back on a clean state, issue a "make distclean" and rerun an sh
autogen.sh. Then post any error you get ...


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