[gcompris-devel] Hallo GNOME. Weekly Report 1 : GSOC

srishti sethi srishakatux at gmail.com
Sat May 28 21:51:04 UTC 2011

My weekly report is entailed with screeshots here
I have linked it on my gnome page too :


First Activity : Learning the braille code
28th May 2011 : A gist of my work during first week of google summer of code

   - Creating/adding an activity :Following number of quick steps inside
   gcompris cloned folder to get an empty python template running.

   make clean
   sh autogen.sh
   sudo make install
   sh createit.sh braille_alphabets
   sh runit.sh braille_aplhabets-activity/

   - Coding for Braille alphabets : My first braille activity learning the
   braille code is intended to make the kids familiar with braille code for
   alphabets ,symbols & numerals.It consists of two levels.The first half
   letters (A to M)are taught in the first level & next half in the next
   level.I have used mainly :-
   goocanvas.Ellipse : for creating a new canvas ellipse item
   goocanvas.Rect : for creating a new canvas rectangle item
   goocanvas.Text : a canvas item for displaying text
   A code snippet to show how to create an ellipse centered at (100.0,
   100.0), with a horizontal radius of 50.0 and a vertical radius of 30.0. It
   is drawn with a red outline with a width of 5.0 and filled with blue:

   A connect event to link the items to various signal events & functions.In
   the following line we call a function alphabet_A on button press event.

   - BrailleChar Module : This module contains a class BrailleChar which is
   used to display the letter being called via the object of class at specific
   coordinates & also checks two parameters : clickable & displayable which
   takes boolean values.I import this module in my braille_alphabets.py class
   as follows :-
   from BrailleChar import *
   brailleA = self.br_chr(x,y,letter,displayable,clickable)

   - Inkscape: Quick editing with svg files using inkspace to generate
   braillebug.svg icon & background image for activity
   - XML file : Edited the content for xml file with explaination in
   manual,description & other sections.
   - Links :
   I checked braille codes from wikipedia :
   I have pushed my code on github :

   - Issues :
   1)When I click on the dots in braille cell area once I make their set
   property to "red", I am unable to get them back to original color on
   2)How to disable the button and return focus to the dot.Trying
   out:self.c1.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
   3)To prevent the overlapping of images in alphabet area.
   4)Probem with my git.gnome account.I am unable to push my code due to RSA
   verification failure.
   - What I am planning to do next week !
   Complete my first activity & incorporate the similar implementations for
   numerals & symbols.
   To cover as much as possible work for second activity.

Thanks & Regards
Srishti Sethi

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