[gcompris-devel] Bruno goes Brazil

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at gcompris.net
Mon Oct 11 22:56:43 UTC 2010

Le lundi 11 octobre 2010 à 15:27 +0200, Fionn Ziegler a écrit :
> Have a nice trip!!
> By the way: whats happened to the draw-chat-add-on? Did you receive
> it? 

Yes, I got it but did not checked yet. I am focussed on the wiktionary
to xml work. So far I have been able to get some results there:

Anyway, I will integrate your work before the next release.

> Currently I am working on a small game in GCompris: A bad guy
> (something like a thief) is throwing trash from the top of the screen
> and the child must control a bin to catch the falling trash :-) Its
> quite funny. The child is training reaction, coordination (left/right)
> and throwing the trash into the bin (not in the street)!

Hum, I am not a teacher but I feel the educational purpose is too small
for GCompris. This kind of training reaction is the basis of most games
and I don't see the value to have this in GCompris. 

Other advices ?

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net  Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse
http://april.org     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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