[gcompris-devel] Spanish translation

Angel Ivan Moreno angelivanm at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 23:58:42 UTC 2010

Hi, I am from Spain and I just found this product and tried it on Puppy
linux Hansamben distribution (Gcompris v 8.4.13). My two-year old son finds
some of the games interesting. Probably, as he grows, there will be more
games that he can play. Unfortunately, the Spanish translation is too
latin-american oriented and lacks some files in the voices folder. I have
created some recordings myself to replace the original ones. Is there a
chance to add a new language option to differenciate between
Spanish-latinamerican (aka "modern sort") and Spanish-Spain (aka
"traditional sort")? I can contribute with my recordings and I can also
review the original Spanish strings and adapt them to Spain.

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