[gcompris-devel] Help for testing GCompris on Windows

F Wolff friedel at translate.org.za
Sat Oct 17 09:15:56 UTC 2009

Op Vr, 2009-10-16 om 22:55 +0200 skryf Bruno Coudoin:
> Le mardi 13 octobre 2009 à 11:25 +0200, F Wolff a écrit :


> > In the chat activity, there was no feedback when typing the channel
> > name, so it seemed not to work. It worked when a message was typed, but
> > it was a bit surprising.  I was testing between a Windows machine and my
> > Linux machine, which might have a firewall subtly breaking things, so
> > you might want to ignore this.
> This is the way it is intended to work. In fact the children have to
> agree on a channel name in real life. This is also a 'security' issue to
> avoid children joining groups they are not invited in.

My issue is more of a GUI / interaction issue:  I typed the name and hit
enter, and the cursor stayed there.  I was expecting some feedback that
at least my name was accepted, even if it wouldn't do anything. So I
retyped, tried different names, all under the impression that the name
was not accepted, or I have to do something different from hitting
Enter.  But I'm not in your target demographic :-)

> > In the water cycle activity, I finished the activity, clicked on exit,
> > and the whole program quit (not just the activity). I was in full
> > screen, and using the gartoon skin if it matters.  It doesn't seem to be
> > 100% reproducible.
> I could reproduce it on the first test here. Then started the debugger
> and could not reproduce it :/

:-/  I think I saw that I had to finish the game.  The issue didn't
occur if I quit during the activity.

> > I haven't seen GCompris in Arabic before, but it doesn't seem to have an
> > RTL interface. Is that known, or is it an issue with the new version?
> GCompris works in RTL (Right to Left). We have made some fix for that.
> What do you mean that is not working ?

Now I see it looks the same on Linux, so it is not a Windows specific
issue.  I'll comment on what I see here with version 8.4.9.  My guess is
that not all of these are crucial, and I'm not a native speaker of
Arabic - just commenting from my observations. It might be best to
contact people from the Arabeyes group. I can put you in contact if you
want to.  They might tell you that I'm talking nonsense :-)

The user interface is not flipped. The interaction remains centred
around a left-to right way of thinking. On the about screen some of the
"blocks" are laid out so that they touch the left hand side just as in
the LTR interface. These should be touching the right hand side, I

The whole user interface is something that makes me think from left to
right. Pick a category on the left, then move right to pick the specific
game. The activities are in rows organised from left to right wrapping
to continue on the left hand side. Things like the "arrows" on the help
screen are laid out from left to right, with the leftmost one being the
activated one by default.

Some of the GTK+ widgets / windows (such as the config in gletters) seem
to be layed out in LTR. In searace, the textareas in the game have
scrollbars on the right instead of the left.

Many of the games have a left to right flow of activity, such as
watercycle, paratrooper, planegame or submarine. I realise this might be
hard, but I guess it should ideally be going the opposite way in RTL.

Just some thoughts. I like gcompris more every time I look at it!

Keep up the good work

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