[gcompris-devel] Would like to contribute on translation

Manuel Chagas mhchagas at clix.pt
Mon Mar 9 22:33:33 UTC 2009

Hello José,

I was not trying to be cute, just giving credit for a good job. In fact
the trigger for my offering was the recent attention in the media. But
rather than complaining for something that I have been using for free,
it makes perfect sense to help and contribute to it.

Having said that, I am a bit lost on the tools needed and the people
involved. By reading the thread I see different people from different
groups and since this would be my first time on such a task, perhaps it
is best to start small? I don't mind taking the more mechanical part of
work as long as in the end I will come up with a proper translation

For instance, I downloaded the source of gcompris from here
( http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6865&package_id=6964&release_id=666808 ) and opened the pt.po file with a plain text editor. By quickly browsing the file, I was able to find translation errors on lines 425, 585 and 590. Should I just correct it and save? How do I submit the new file?

By the way, this file has been changed recently and the quality is very
good - not trying to be cute! Would rate it a 4 out of 5.

Kind regards to all,

Manuel Chagas

> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 10:09:40 +0100 (CET)
> From: lists.jjorge at free.fr
> Subject: Re: [gcompris-devel] Would like to contribute on translation
> To: GCompris developpers list <gcompris-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
> Message-ID:
> 	<514292220.2425451236503380843.JavaMail.root at zimbra20-e3.priv.proxad.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> > translation is very good, however I found a few misspellings and would
> > very much like to contribute by readproofing / sending correct
> > translations / a combination of these two or other. How can I help and
> > what are the next steps?"
> Thanks Manel to be so cute when talking about a so important point : portuguese government has started distributing a self made computer, called Magalhaes, targetted at schools, with GCompris.
> The problem is that no one has done a proof read of the portuguese translation I did, which has some big mistakes, as portuguese is a foreign language for me. I always hopped that someone would take over my initial work, but this did not happen, until Friday when a journalist pointed in Portugal that software targetted to schools came with bad portuguese.
> In fact, the people who packaged GCompris to Magalhaes had contacted me in November 2008 to ask if they could work on the pt.po. I said them yes, but as far as I know, they have not sent it upstream till today. And in fact, they even did not provide their translation in Magalhaes till the 6th March, when an update for GCompris was rolled out.
> So what's next? I hope they will send the translation upstream, if not, Manel you could contact them, or even take it from the source RPM they provide, merge it with the current one and send it directly to Bruno Coudouin. I just cannot  do it for now, as I am travelling.
> Jos?

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