[gcompris-devel] Installing Gcompris offline on Ubuntu

Samuel Murray leuce at absamail.co.za
Sun Mar 23 12:39:05 UTC 2008

Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:

> Just go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and search for gcompris.
> Then download the packages you need (gcompris, gcompris and 
> gcompris-sound-* for your language).

Thanks.  This method is closed to me, however, because the 
packages.ubuntu.com web site doesn't mention what each packages' 
dependencies are, so the only way to find out what they are, is by trial 
and error (read: run back and forth between internetted computer and 
child's computer with flash drive every time a package complains of yet 
another dependency).  But thanks for the link.


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