[gcompris-devel] Installing Gcompris offline on Ubuntu

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Mar 23 12:35:35 UTC 2008

Le dimanche 23 mars 2008 à 12:23 +0100, Karl Ove Hufthammer a écrit :
> Sundag 23. mars 2008 skreiv Samuel Murray:
> >I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on my two children's computers, and I would like
> >them to play Gcompris.  However, these computers are not connected to
> >the internet.  Do you know if there are offline installation packages
> >available for Ubuntu?
> Sure. Just go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and search for gcompris.
> Then download the packages you need (gcompris, gcompris and 
> gcompris-sound-* for your language).

To get a complete GCompris, you also need to grab gnuchess and gnucap.	

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