[gcompris-devel] short ogg sounds

José Jorge jjorge at free.fr
Mon Feb 4 22:04:34 UTC 2008

Bruno Coudoin a écrit :
> Always the same problem. It seems impossible for a distribution to
> package and test GCompris properly. There is always something wrong, the
> sounds here, the translation there, the incompatible pysomething, ...
The problem is not in the distribution here, but in gstreamer that has 
always been very hard to use : incompatible API, etc.
The gstreamer problems are in ALL distributions! We should not depend on 
a thing that has so many problem, or the other way round, we should use 
it like other applications : open a sound stream at startup, and keep it 
opened till the end, only inserting ogg streams in it
. But maybe we already do it this way?

Or, finaly, let gcompris be huge, with all sounds as wav files? I prefer 
a bad solution than no solution...

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