[gcompris-devel] GCompris port to the goocanvas.

Terje Bergström terje at terje.fi
Wed Oct 17 14:57:45 UTC 2007

On 10/16/07, Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at free.fr> wrote:
> My help_bg.svg is a little bit complex with several gradiant. Could you
> make a test. With inkscape create a new a more simple one, starting with
> a simple rectangle. We may find a good compromise there.

I did the other way --- I took your help_bg.svg, removed the gradients and
converted them to flat surfaces, saved and re-tried. Now the dialog pops up
almost immediately! It looks like creating a lightweight SVG based skin
could be the solution here.

The other choice is to give the user feedback immediately when he clicks on
a button. I.e. when a button is clicked, highlight it briefly. That way one
second of wait can be tolerated much better, as the user gets immediate
feedback and feels something is really happening. I think this could apply
to whole gcompris to give always instantaneous feedback, and it would let
the user know exactly which button he has clicked.

Best regards,
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