[gcompris-devel] String freeze, call for translation for GCompris 8.4 Final

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Aug 21 23:53:48 UTC 2007

Le lundi 20 août 2007 à 18:07 +0200, Ronny Standtke a écrit :
> Hi all,
> 3) The item tooltips on the left hand side of the geography board are not 
> translated.

It's fixed now, a gettext was missing. I am uploading a new release
named 8.4BETA2 well which should have been 8.4RC1. Beside this fix, the
major change is the switch to GPL V3 and later.

> 6) Level skipping at the last level is handled very inconsistent. Some boards 
> (e.g. geography) exit, some boards (e.g. leftright) restart.

True, it's a point were we never defined what the exact behavior should
be. Now with the single activity support for Sugar (OLPC XO computer),
it makes sense to loop because we don't have an upper menu to display.

Other suggestion welcome.

> 1, 2, 4, 5) 

I'll check you other points asap

Bruno Coudoin
http://gcompris.net Free educational software for kids
http://toulibre.org Logiciel Libre à Toulouse

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