[gcompris-devel] jcomprends rien :(

José JORGE jjorge at free.fr
Tue Mar 9 04:50:15 UTC 2004

Em Segunda, 8 de Março de 2004 22:55, o ragondin escreveu:
> Hello, bonjour
> Sorry for non-francophones, but I'm so angry that I could not write in
> english !

Well, there's one point that I agree in this email : we don't comunicate well!
- The website is a bit too ofsetized, anyone I've send to it said me later 
"well it was confusing, so what's next?"

- Bruno, the gcompris page isn't often uptodate (ie it doesn't talk about the 
last gcompris release). What about if someone else help you on this (I'm 
volunteer to help, but I'm not a king of webpages)?

- The installation isn't explained in a detailed way (ie. how to install all 
the rpms needed, or hints to particular distribs, etc.)

- Maybe we could - thanks to all the translators - provide native speaking 
support : indicate emails to join in particular locale.

JABBER ID : jose.jorge at 12jabber.com

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