[gcompris-devel] jcomprends rien :(

Yan Seiner yan at cardinalengineering.com
Tue Mar 9 04:59:05 UTC 2004

José JORGE wrote:
> Em Segunda, 8 de Março de 2004 22:55, o ragondin escreveu:
>>Hello, bonjour
>>Sorry for non-francophones, but I'm so angry that I could not write in
>>english !
> Well, there's one point that I agree in this email : we don't comunicate well!
> - The website is a bit too ofsetized, anyone I've send to it said me later 
> "well it was confusing, so what's next?"
> - Bruno, the gcompris page isn't often uptodate (ie it doesn't talk about the 
> last gcompris release). What about if someone else help you on this (I'm 
> volunteer to help, but I'm not a king of webpages)?

What about a wiki or  wiki-based website?  See for example one that I'm 
running at http://www.seiner.com/~westy - it's an easy way for people to 


      /\ /_       o__
    o*  ~(_)      ,>/'_      o__
Yan Seiner, PE  (_)\(_)     ,>/'_   o__     o__
Cardinal Engineering, Inc. (_)\(_)  ,>/'_   ,>/'_
http://www.cardinalengineering.com (_)\(_) (_)\(_)
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