[gcompris-devel] i18n falling letters

Yan Seiner yan at cardinalengineering.com
Sun Feb 15 04:36:19 UTC 2004


Some more observations on i18n of falling letters/gcompris in general.

We need more levels than 6.  We should have a progressive level of 
difficulty by grade level if the locale requires it. For ja_JP, for 
example, we should have about 18 levels, starting with caps, then adding 
digits, lower case, hiragana, katakana, and then 12 levels of Kanji.

We really want to have sublevel dynamically assigned based on no. of 
chars at current level since in alternate alphabets the nubmer of 
characters can get very large. I'm thinking grade level Kanji, where by 
12th grade there are 1800 +/- chars we should be dropping.

I've tried the line below, but doesn't seen to have any effect. I'm 
guessing that sublevel is hardcoded somewhere:

10 dropped chars is not a sufficient number with 1800 characters in the 
set.  However, before we get there, we need to make gcompris compatible 
with alternate input methods.  I've tried kinput2 - the japanese 
character input method - and it doesn't work.  There's no response from 

Someone really has to look at how alternate input systems work; that's 
beyond my time availability.  I think there has to be an edit window 
open to enter the char/word, so we're looking at adding an alternate 
input system compatible editor into gcompris.  Probably not a trivial task.


      /\ /_       o__
    o*  ~(_)      ,>/'_      o__
Yan Seiner, PE  (_)\(_)     ,>/'_   o__     o__
Cardinal Engineering, Inc. (_)\(_)  ,>/'_   ,>/'_
http://www.cardinalengineering.com (_)\(_) (_)\(_)
spam killer code kpwq1jkcsEzdx39gnkVvgycd15ayqq

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