[gcompris-devel] Japanese falling letters

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Fri Feb 6 16:24:01 UTC 2004

Well, I think you can look a wordsgame.c. It does the UTF-8 keyscan
decoding and compare it to a UTF-8 string.
You just need to do the same but compare with you falling letters

I am far from being an expert in UTF-8 parsing but it seems to work
fine, noboby complains.


Le sam 07/02/2004 à 00:50, Yan Seiner a écrit :
> Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> > I don't know for Japanese but gcompris uses UTF-8 as it's coding
> > standard, including the falling words. For letters, it's different.
> > Gcompris is hardcoded to use a-z letter set. You can change this in
> > gletters.c. This will need to add code to make sure a-z is still the
> > default.
> > 
> > First, I suggest you to provide a japanese translation for gcompris. I
> > don't think there is one already.
> > 
> > Bruno.
> > 
> I've looked at the code in gletters.  I'm a bit rusty in my C 
> programming, but it will make a good project...  It would have to be 
> generalized for arbitrary length alphabets and levels.
> If someone will provide some guidance for UTF-8 encoding, we can take a 
> crack at the Japanese translation.
> --Yan

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