[gcompris-devel] release 5.0 in the way.

Richard June rjune at bravegnuworld.com
Sun Feb 1 20:57:35 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 01 February 2004 12:40 pm, Jim Rich wrote:
> This week I will be installing my second K12LTSP server and this time it
> will be without Gcompris.  There are two programs that I had considered
> essential, LTSP (the server software) and Gcompris.  The installation will
> take place without Gcompris!  A third server HAS to be ready by August
> 2004. I have volunteered to do all of this as time, talent and funds permit
> (very little of each).

> What I am asking for is an rpm (read installation method) of Gcompris that
> will install on rh9 and fc1 that will work in the LTSP client server
> environment. If extra files are required for the install then please list
> them and the source of these files.   And finally provide detailed
> instructions for the installation.
> I know this sounds like a give me, give me, give me type of request but I
> have tried very hard to install a working Gcompris.  I gave up because the
> client cannot run the Gcompris due to segmentation faults. When I try to
> recompile I get libgnome---.2.0 type of errors the wrong libassetml and
> missing libgnomecanvas errors the and on and on etc.  It is not the problem
> of K12LTSP because ALL of the other programs work on the clients.
> I am not looking for help for the second server (it has been committed).
> What I am looking forward to a solid, working and all inclusive version of
> Gcompris (5.0 ?) for the third server.
> Complain Complain Complain! What can I do?
> 1.  I will do the best I can to learn how to use CVS to test Gcompris code
> and make reliable observations and comments (good or bad).
> 2.  I will be available to test any version that Richard builds.
> 3.  My test environment will be (assuming my rh9 and fc1 distros are
> stable) a K12LTSP install on a dual 1K Pentium III processors (SMP), 2GB
> ram and 40GB IDE hd.  My commit date for this server is August 2004 so I
> have to be hardened by then.
> I think it is time to make sure that the car has a reliable engine and stop
> adding chrome to a car that has to be parked in the driveway.
> In all sincerity I want to see Gcompris succeeds so that people will say
> "The only program need is Gcompris for the young kids".
> Thanks for the chance to vent
> Jim Rich

1. I use LTSP *AND* Gcompris
2. I've contributed arts work to LTSP.
3. I've built GCompris binaries and posted them in my yum repository 
4. If you want audio w/ GCOMPRIS and LTSP. you very well may be required to 
use kde, as my script isn't perfect at guessing which audio output to use(it 
looks at what wm you appear to be running and guesses based on that, and the 
only successful audio I've gotten out of LTSP on rh9 or fc1 has been using 
arts or nasd, not ESD)
5. I have only recently downloaded GCompris 5. so I haven't had a chance to 
look at rebuilding an RPM.
6. You have the source, you have access to my current SRPM, you could in 
theory build it yourself.
7. If you are having that much trouble getting a server ready to go within 
seven months, perhaps you should seek professional help. :-P

Bruno, would you care to see the script I wrote to guess at what audio output 
GCompris should use?

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