[gcompris-devel] GCompris at Swiss schools

pgeorges pascal.georges1 at free.fr
Tue Feb 18 09:43:11 UTC 2003

Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> We have to take care of what can be done with automatic tracing of kids
> activity.
> Implementing a such feature means that each kid is identified before
> playing, it can be boring and done wrong. In this case, you will note
> the wrong person !!
> If we trace kids, we may have under certain legislation to request
> authorisation to organism (like the CNIL in france). The kids should be
> warned that they are traced, and should have a right to refuse it !!

Adibou, chessmaster 9000, request a log in, and I don't see what is the 
problem. A kid could choose the name Cheetah to log in ...


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