[gcompris-devel] GCompris at Swiss schools

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Feb 18 03:44:12 UTC 2003

We have to take care of what can be done with automatic tracing of kids
Implementing a such feature means that each kid is identified before
playing, it can be boring and done wrong. In this case, you will note
the wrong person !!

If we trace kids, we may have under certain legislation to request
authorisation to organism (like the CNIL in france). The kids should be
warned that they are traced, and should have a right to refuse it !!

I personnally would not appreciate if my kids were traced this way. I
don't want to give the opportunity to others to do so.

Now, I understand the need when you have 10 computers/kids around to
implement 'some tracing'.

What I propose is that we provide an history of the activity played in
the current session with no 'save trace' capabilities.
If another kids take the computer and want (or the teacher) want to
trace him, the teacher will either restart gcompris or reset the trace.
When the kid complete what the teacher asked to do or his time frame,
the teacher can come, click on the history button in gcompris and see
what the kid has done. The teacher can then discuss with the kid, help
him on its weakness and report the trace on a paper if the teacher need

Now, would this be OK for your needs Mario ?


Le lun 17/02/2003 à 21:25, Mario Fux a écrit :
> Am Montag, 17. Februar 2003 19.13 schrieb pgeorges:
> Salve
> [My comments about stats]
> > A good thing would be to have a log in window coming after gcompris
> > start : the kid chooses his name and when boards are displayed, there is
> > an indication of the boards he has completed (this is the way Adibou
> > works).
> Sounds good. It's quite what I thought about.
> > Pascal
> griits
> foxman
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