[gcompris-devel] RE: cannot make gcompris 4.2... it works

stephane parenton stephane at parenton.com
Mon Dec 15 04:46:03 UTC 2003

At 22:00 13/12/2003, you wrote:
>I have tried many times to install Gcompris on LTSP RedHat 9 and
>have succeeded once.  I use Gcompris is "the" program for pre-K
>to 3rd grade.  I found it easier to install Mandrake 9.2 OS,  LTSP
>and then install Gcompris.  It took less than 5 hours to get Gcompris
>up and running this way.

Ok, this is the cheat mode ;-) ... I inserted a 40 Gb HD that was unused, 
and installed Mdk 9.2, a few minutes later gcompris was up and running....

I solved one of my problem... what gcompris looked like... the next one... 
how can i make it run on my RH 9 ;-)

Thanks everyone...


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