[gcompris-devel] Re: port to windows

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Mon Dec 15 00:32:02 UTC 2003

bruno patin schrieb:
> My first intention is to use directly the last cygwin distro. It 
> includes all the components required for gcompris (or so I think). I'll 
> start this week end directly with the last cvs version (see the mail of 
> brunoç).

To judge from the to address this seems to be a reply to my question ... 
but ... do you require X11 or not for the windows version (The also 
perfect "I don't know" would tell me "yes")? If you already have an 
executable ldd should answer it easily.

If yes, there was no need to remove the gnome dependancy - gnome 
packages are available for cygwin/X11, too.

Just wondering whether and how to offer help/knowledge

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