[gcompris-devel] Re: gcompris-devel digest, Vol 1 #346 - 3 msgs

José JORGE jjorge at free.fr
Tue Aug 26 12:35:20 UTC 2003

Em Terça 26 Agosto 2003 05:22, o gcompris-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net 
> Now there will be many changes in next release of gcompris. gcompris
> will depend on gcompris-libassetml and several assetml data files.
> gcompris-libassetml is totally independant and can be used in other
> program. There is a gcompris-libassetml-devel with an API.
> Internaly, I was about tu support assetml loading of image and sound and
> flat file (current case) but this maybe complex since sometimes data
> comes from xml data files and we need more information for assetml.
> So I am wondering if I will not move to 100% assetml to make think
> clearer.
> Just my current though as I am progressing into this.
> If anybody want to join his ideas, your welcome (the cvs is not yet up
> to date)

the idea is good for me, but it shouldn't mean too "complications" to add data 
for a teacher, or a newbie like me ;-)


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