[gcompris-devel] Bug-List

Ronny Standtke Ronny.Standtke at gmx.de
Mon Aug 25 03:59:02 UTC 2003

Hi together,

> > OK, this is fixed but there is now another bug. You can jump over the
> > fish. There is no way back then and you definately lose.
> True, It's in my TODO list

OK, I will sit and wait :-)

> What happens if you run in windows mode and overlapp a window above
> gcompris. Does it refresh well after ?

It does refresh if I dont do one of the two things I described. If I open a 
boards help while a sound is playing (e.g. the intro sound) the bottom main 
menu is just gone and will never come back, regardless if gcompris is run 
fullscreen or windowed or if I move another window over it etc.

Another thing: I think I made a stupid mistake by asking for writing the color 
name in the "Colors" board. I noticed that there is another board "Read 
colors" which does excactly that. The idea of the "Colors" board is to listen 
and of the "Read colors" board it is to read. Both ideas should stay 
separated. So I think we should live with the fact that the board "Colors" is 
not playable in a soundless environment. So now I vote for removing the 
string from the "Colors" board, sorry.

Greetings & Thanks


PS: Where do I send the updated de.po file? To the list or to Bruno directly?

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